Residential Care & Training Center (Level 1 &Level 2)

Short- Term Care

  • Residential Care and Training Center- Level 1 provides a safe space and family environment for children who are victims of  any forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation for protection, healing and recovery.  
  • This is Kanlungan’s admission/receiving and processing center for those children who needed temporary shelter. Children are also provided with balanced and nutritious food, physical hygiene effects and other basic needs including love, care and attention. Educational opportunities, health and medical services, skills and pre-home life training, counseling, values formation, group activities, socialization, recreational and sports activities, expressive therapies (paly, music and art therapies), formal and non-formal education, legal assistance and psychosocial interventions are also provided.

Long-Term Care (Girl’s Home and Boy’s Home)

  • Residential Care and Training Center – Level 2 (Girl’s Home and Boy’s Home) provides a long –term care for those children who still have on-going legal cases, for the orphaned, abandoned, out-of-school youth (Boys) and for those who are not yet ready to be reunited with their families for some reasons.  
  • Children in the Level 2 Residential Care (Long-Term Care) have provided with appropriate interventions for the physical and psycho-social healing and recovery.  They are provided with a home-life environment, values formation, socialization and recreational activities, educational opportunities, health and medical services and skills training.  Therapeutic interventions are also provided such as counseling, group work, play therapy and creative arts.
  • The children are prepared for the eventual return to their families and reintegration to their communities.  In the event that the child has no family or not possible to reunite with the family, the child will be prepared for independent living or referred to any appropriate center where his/her needs can be met.
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